Topics that every Manager should be familiar with:

Articles from Business Publications (various topics, updated as frequently as possible)

Should you pay cash and get a discount or go for the installments? Here is a spreadsheet to help you make informed decisions (spreadsheet explanations are in Turkish).


bulletThe ENRON Debacle
bulletGresham's Law
bulletOccam's Razor
bulletTechnical Trading
bulletGame Theory
bulletThe Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
bulletInvisible Hand (Law of Demand and Supply and other basic related concepts)
bulletThe Greek Alphabet (Cheat sheet for reading formulas in Finance and Economics)
bulletLatin words and Phrases used in business
bulletTurkish Accounting System and Standards.
bulletThe Great Innovators (as compiled by Business week)
bulletTraditional Economics vs. Behavioral Economics (youtube videos by Tim Harford and Dan Ariely)
bulletLaureates of the Nobel Prize in Economics
bulletLearning HTML
bulletConsumer Protection
bulletSome suggested books from Dr. Soytas.
bullet Some suggested books from Dr. Oran


Many more subjects to be added as time permits

Sneak Preview of things to come:

bulletAgency Theory, Asymmetric Information, Theory of Lemons
bulletEvolution (Lamarckism vs. Darwinism)
bulletFinancial Derivatives

 Just For Fun:

bulletZeroth Law

Put together by ATJ & US.

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