Dear Class,

It is important for you to be self-aware (see EQ). I wanted to get you started on this by making you do a SWOT analysis of YOURSELF.

Please discuss your results with at least 2 other people that know you and get their feedback on your SWOTs. You may be surprised to find out that they see you differently than you see yourself! Include their feedback in your results.

Here is the simple set of rules for the “SWOT assignment”:

*The assignment must be in English.

*I want a minimum of 3 items for each area (makes a minimum total of 12!)

*The assignment must be in pdf form (learn how to make pdf documents, there are many free resources on the web).

*The assignment should be about 2 pages.

*The assignment must be sent through the AGU class online learning system

*Other than these you may do pretty much whatever you like….

See you in class,


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