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BA4137/5137 Entrepreneurship Course non-BA applications (F2021)


A limited number of non-Business major students will be allowed to enroll in BA4137/5137 Entrepreneurship course this semester (Fall 2021).

BA4137/5137 Entrepreneurship course will most likely be held Face-to-Face (in-class) Tuesdays and Thursdays at 08:40-10:15. Course information and syllabus can be found at

15 seats have been set aside for entrepreneurial non-Business students from METU. The students may be 3rd or 4th year Undergraduate students, as well as Graduate students. Having an entrepreneurial idea to develop will be a plus. Non-Business students that would like to apply to take the course must fill out this survey by October 11th 15:00. Results will be announced the following day.

We look forward to receiving your applications and seeing you in class and at other Entrepreneurship activities!

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